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How to participate in the pastus+ quality assurance system

Participation in the pastus+ system is possible for: producers and private labellers of feed materials and compound feed, operators of mobile milling and mixing plants, feed traders and stockists as well as feed transporters.

How to participate

Registration in the pastus+ system

As a first step to participate in the pastus+ system, please fill in the registration form and return it by e-mail to futtermittel@amainfo.at or by post to:

AMA-Marketing GesmbH

Mrs. Elisabeth Heil

Dresdnerstraße 68a

1200 Wien

To expedite  processing please enclose a current excerpt from the commercial register for your company!

Registration form pastus

Registration form pastus


Registration for "pastus+ Kleinsthersteller"

If you want to participate as "pastus+ Kleinsthersteller" please fill in the registration form and send it to futtermittel@amainfo.at. We will send you a license contract by post.

Information for participation and the requirements can be found in the "pastus+ Kleinstherstellerregelung".

Steps 3 and 7 on this list are not relevant for "pastus+ Kleinsthersteller". 

pastus+ Regulation for small quantities

pastus+ Regulation for small quantities


Registration form "pastus+ Kleinhersteller"

Registration form "pastus+ Kleinhersteller"


Audit and certification

Conclude an inspection contract for your pastus+ audit with one of the certification bodies approved for pastus+.

The certification body will issue a pastus+ certificate after positive completion of the audit. It needs to be renewed every year with a new pastus+ audit. 

List of pastus+ certification bodies

List of pastus+ certification bodies


Sending the pastus+ license contract

AMA-Marketing will prepare a pastus+ license contract based on the data you have sent. The contract will be sent to you by post. Please sign the contract on behalf of your company (company stamp + signature) and return it after the initial audit by e-mail to futtermittel@amainfo.at or by post to:  

AMA-Marketing GesmbH

Mrs. Elisabeth Heil

Dresdnerstraße 68a

1200 Wien

Model license contract for pastus+ Kleinsthersteller

Model license contract for pastus+ Kleinsthersteller


pastus+ model license contract

pastus+ model license contract


Integration in the pastus+ database

Once the initial audit has been positively completed, the pastus+ license contract will be signed by the managing director of AMA-Marketing and a copy will be sent to you by post.

Then your company will be integrated into the database of pastus+ companies authorised to deliver at www.pastus.at.

Labelling of feed

From this point on, you are entitled to label your feed with pastus+ or with pastus+ AMA-Gütesiegel tauglich and to deliver to AMA-Quality Seal farmers as well as to pastus+ companies.

You will receive the labels from your pastus+ contact persons upon request: futtermittel@amainfo.at

Annual license fees

To participate in the pastus+ system, you must pay annual license fees according to the fee model. The first annual fee will be invoiced on a pro rata basis. You will receive the invoice together with your copy of the countersigned license contract.

If you would like to receive the annual invoice per e-mail, please send us the e-mail address of your electronic invoice recipient and your licence number to futtermittel@amainfo.at.

pastus+ license fees

pastus+ license fees



With certification in accordance with the pastus+ quality assurance system, participants are opting for independent monitoring of their business and thus for assured production and processing of high-quality feed.

The requirements are set out in the pastus+ guidelines and are reviewed annually by independent certification bodies approved for pastus+.

To the Requirements & Information

Auditor registration form

Auditor registration form


List of pastus+ certification bodies

List of pastus+ certification bodies


Model license contract for pastus+ Kleinsthersteller

Model license contract for pastus+ Kleinsthersteller


pastus+ license fees

pastus+ license fees


pastus+ model license contract

pastus+ model license contract


pastus+ Kleinstherstellerregelung

pastus+ Kleinstherstellerregelung


Registration form "pastus+ Kleinhersteller"

Registration form "pastus+ Kleinhersteller"


Contact persons

DI Michael Langanger

DI Michael Langanger

Bereichsleiter Qualitätsmanagement

Bereich: Futtermittel

+43 50 3151 4947

Elisabeth Heil

Elisabeth Heil

Office Qualitätsmanagement

Bereich: Futtermittel


Marlene Jäger, BEd MSc

Marlene Jäger, BEd MSc


Bereich: Futtermittel

+43 50 3151 4494

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