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Guidelines & Information for pastus+ certification

Certification in the pastus+ quality assurance system means that the participants have opted for independent control of their company and thus for ensured production and processing of high-quality feed. The requirements are defined in the pastus+ guidelines and are checked annually by independent certification bodies approved for pastus+.


Here you can find all participants in the pastus+ system.


Below you will find detailed explanations of the pastus+ guidelines and the associated annexes that are relevant for certification.

1. pastus+ Guidelines

The requirements to be followed by pastus+ certified companies which are checked in the course of the annual audit are laid down in the AMA Feedstuff Guidelines pastus+. Additionally, please note the changes in the newsletter August 2022-08-29 (page 3-4).

To allow for the situation of small-scale companies in the best way possible, AMA-Marketing has created a particular guideline for these participants:

Thus, feed companies with an annual total of less than 3000 tonnes (or less than 6000 tonnes with multiple operational functions) have the option of being certified according to the pastus+ Regulation for Small Quantities. Participation is possible for producers of feed material and compound feed, traders, stockists and road transport companies. Additionally, please note the changes in the newsletter August 2022-08-29 (page 3-4).

The "pastus+ Regulation for Producers of Very Small Quantities" was created to take into consideration the issue of sustainability and to maintain local availability of feed material from small producers. Participation is possible for operators of grain and oil mills and for breweries with an annual total feed production of no more than 150 tonnes.

AMA feedstuff guidelines pastus+


pastus+ Newsletter 29.08.2022

On Page 3+4 of this document you can find the english text.


pastus+ Regulation for producers of very small quantities


pastus+ Regulation for small quantities


2. Annexes to the pastus+ guidelines

Annex 1 to the AMA-Feedstuff Guidelines pastus+ and to the pastus+ Regulation for Small Quantities: 

The AMA-Feed Monitoring pastus+ contains requirements for the necessary feed analyses and further information and requirements concerning feed safety. 

Annex 2 to the AMA-Feedstuff Guidelines pastus+ and to the pastus+ Regulation for Small Quantities:

The Gate-Keeper-Rules define the requirements for the purchase of non-certified feed, former foodstuff and for purchasing by-products of the oil and fat industry. 

Annex 3 to the AMA-Feedstuff Guidelines pastus+ and to the pastus+ Regulation for Small Quantities:

The Additional Module AMA-Quality Seal contains further requirements for the use of feed in the AMA-Quality Seal programme. An essential component is compliance with a negative list. The negative list contains feed materials which must not be used by AMA-Quality Seal farmers.

Annex 4 to the AMA-Feedstuff Guidelines pastus+ and to the pastus+ Regulation for Small Quantities:

The Additional Modul Deforestation-free Soy describes the requirements for the procurement and handling of deforestation-free soy for deliveries of feed in the AMA-Quality Seal programme and for recognized quality assurance systems. The Module is aimed at producer of feed material and compound feed and traders who process, handle and trade soy and soybean products.

Additional Module AMA-Quality Seal


Additional Modul Deforestation-free Soy


AMA-Feed Monitoring pastus+





Below you will find detailed information on pastus+ certification on the following topics:

1. Directives for the use of signs and communication

All details concerning the labelling of feed with the pastus+ and pastus+ AMA-Gütesiegel tauglich labels are described in the pastus+ directives for the use of signs and communication.

Directives for the use of signs and communication


2. Information on pastus+ audits

One of the listed certification bodies approved for pastus+ must be assigned to perform the annual pastus+ audit. To do this, please contact the certification body of your choice directly.

The requirements for carrying out pastus+ audits are defined in the Guidelines for pastus+ audits and certification requirements for the conduction of pastus+ audits are defined. The guidelines contain information about the procedure of a pastus+ audit as well as further information about controls.

Guidelines for pastus+ audits and certification


List of pastus+ certification bodies


3. Notifications of changes

Changes of contract-relevant data must be reported to AMA-Marketing using this form.

The completed and signed form (stamp + signature) can be sent by email, post or fax.

The following changes must be reported:

  • Change of company name
  • Addition or elimination of operating functions
  • Addition or elimination of business premises
  • Change of the authorized signatory
  • Change in turnover and employee numbers
  • Change of certification system
  • Change of control body
  • Change of guideline

Disclosure of changes to data relevant to the agreement


4. Recognition in international feed schemes

AMA-Marketing has completed agreements with international feed schemes for recognising audits to ensure unrestricted but assured feed purchasing.

On the basis of these recognitions, pastus+ certified companies can obtain the right to deliver into QS and GMP+ systems without an additional audit. The registration is done directly with the respective scheme owner.

For further information about participation in the QS System please visit the QS-Website.

Participation in the QS system is only possible for pastus+ companies with an implemented internal QM-System which are therefore certified according to the AMA-Feedstuff Guideline pastus+!

Only feedstuff producers with a production of less than 1000 tonnes feed materials annually can participate in the QS system on the basis of the pastus+ Regulation for Small Quantities.

For further information about participation in the GMP+ System please visit the GMP+ Website.

The GMP+ system accepts a certification as per the AMA-Feedstuff Guideline pastus+ as well as the pastus+ Regulation for Small Quantities.

5. International database for feed transportation

International cooperation is expedient for the transport of feed. AMA-Marketing has been an official member of the International Committee for Road Transport (ICRT) since March 2016. The seven members of the committee strive to standardise the requirements for road transport of bulk feed with the goal of ensuring feed safety.

The minimum cleaning regimes as well as further information can be found at:  www.icrt-idtf.com/en

The current ICRT-Newsletter is here available: https://www.icrt-idtf.com/news/

6. Information for pastus+ certification bodies

Detailed information for pastus+ certification bodies to download:

Auditor registration form


Evaluation form - minimum audit times


Guidelines for pastus+ audits and certification


Guidelines for performing pastus+ audits in the ACM


Proof of competence for auditors


Current information

ICRT-IDTF Newsletter 2/2024

There have been several changes for the IDTF by the members of the International Committee for Road Transport (GMP+ International, OVOCOM, QS, Qualimat, EFISC-GTP, AIC and AMA). The changes can be found in the new newsletter 2/2024 and are now implemented in the IDTF. Please find here further information about the changes.

At the request of the companies, products and their cleaning regime are entered in the IDTF as soon as these are agreed by the ICRT.

to this Newsletter

ICRT-IDTF Newsletter 1/2024

There have been several changes for the IDTF by the members of the International Committee for Road Transport (GMP+ International, OVOCOM, QS, Qualimat, EFISC-GTP, AIC and AMA). The changes can be found in the new newsletter 1/2024 and are now implemented in the IDTF. Please find here further information about the changes.

At the request of the companies, products and their cleaning regime are entered in the IDTF as soon as these are agreed by the ICRT.

to this Newsletter

New Additional Module Deforestation-free Soy

Pastus+ certified or recognized companies can register for the new Additional module "Deforestation-Free Soy" by submitting the declaration of participation (see download section) for pastus+ Soy Plus.

AMA-Marketing held a webinar on the 16th and 20th of November 2023 for pastus+ participants to provide information about the new Additional Module "Deforestation-Free Soy". You can watch the online recording by following the link below: https://youtu.be/osRBBC8DkLM

Declaration of participation pastus+ Soja PLUS

Innovations for feed quality assurance

The pastus+ system has been reorganised in order to continue to clearly position it as an established scheme for feed quality assurance in Austria.

In the course of the restructuring, a new form of participation was established for recognized companies, the regulation for labelling feed was adapted, the additional module AMA-Quality Seal was revised and a new fee model and contract was implemented.

All details about the changes can be found in the current newsletter!

Newsletter (PDF)

New labelling regulation

For ease of orientation when purchasing feed, form now on, not only compound feed but also feed materials must be labelled with "pastus+ AMA-Gütesiegel tauglich". The prerequisite for this label is compliance with the additional module AMA-Quality Seal and the negative list it contains.

Detailed information on labelling is given in the new Directives for the use of signs and communication.

Directives for the use of signs and communication

Feed delivery note

The feed delivery note is intended to be used by farmers to document the purchase and sale of animal feed.

It is available on AMA-Marketing website and can be saved as a pdf and filled in directly on the PC before printing.

Feed delivery note (PDF)

How to participate

Individual and compound feed manufacturers, traders and stockholders, operators of mobile grinding and mixing plants and feed transporters can participate in the pastus+ system.

If you require further information on participation in the pastus+ system or have any questions, please contact us!


Additional Module AMA-Quality Seal


Additional Modul Deforestation-free Soy


AMA-Feed Monitoring pastus+


AMA feedstuff guidelines pastus+


Auditor registration form


Directives for the use of signs and communication


Disclosure of changes to data relevant to the agreement


Evaluation form - minimum audit times




Guidelines for pastus+ audits and certification


Guidelines for performing pastus+ audits in the ACM


Liste zugelassener pastus+ Zertifizierungsstellen


Participation pastus+ Soy PLUS


pastus+ Newsletter 29.08.2022

On Page 3+4 of this document you can find the english text.


pastus+ Regulation for producers of very small quantities


pastus+ Regulation for small quantities


Proof of competence for auditors


Contact persons

DI Michael Langanger

DI Michael Langanger

Bereichsleiter Qualitätsmanagement

Bereich: Futtermittel

+43 50 3151 4947

Elisabeth Heil

Elisabeth Heil

Office Qualitätsmanagement

Bereich: Futtermittel


Marlene Jäger, BEd MSc

Marlene Jäger, BEd MSc


Bereich: Futtermittel

+43 50 3151 4494

The information portal for consumers

Do you already know amainfo.at?

AMAINFO.AT is the information website of AMA-Marketing for consumers. Here you will find everything about AMA-Quality seals and animal farming. Everything about plant cultivation and sustainability. And everything about quality and the value of food.

Go to amainfo.at