Homepage pastus+ feed Recognized certification


Information for companies with recognized certification

The pastus+ QS, GMP+, OVOCOM and EFISC-GTP quality assurance systems are comparable in their requirements and control systems. Therefore, feed companies, which hold a valid certification for the QS, GMP+, OVOCOM or EFISC-GTP schemes, can participate in the pastus+ system due to recognition of their audits. It is possible to participate as a licensee or as a system participant. Further information can be found in the Guidelines for the participation in the pastus+ system.

Guidelines for the participation in the pastus+ system



Here you can find all participants in the pastus+system.

How to participate

Individual and compound feed manufacturers, traders and stockholders, operators of mobile grinding and mixing plants and feed transporters can participate in the pastus+ system.

If you require further information on participation in the pastus+ system or have any questions, please contact us!



Below you will find detailed information for companies with recognized pastus+ certification on the following topics:

  1. Directives for the use of signs and communication
  2. Additional Module AMA-Quality Seal
  3. International database for feed transportation

1. Directives for the use of signs and communication

All details concerning the labelling of feed with the pastus+ and pastus+ AMA-Gütesiegel tauglich labels are described in the pastus+ directives for the use of signs and communication:

Directives for the use of signs and communication


2. Additional Module AMA-Quality Seal

Recognised feed companies which have signed a license contract with AMA-Marketing and are labelling their feed with pastus+ AMA-Gütesiegel tauglich, must comply with the Additional Module AMA-Quality Seal.

Feed to be delivered directly to AMA-Quality Seal farmers strictly must be labelled with „pastus+ AMA-Gütesiegel tauglich“.

The requirements can be checked through the respective certification body during the annual audit or during a remote-audit conducted by AMA-Marketing. 

In both cases, the audit must be performed using this checklist.

Additional Module AMA-Quality Seal


Checklist Module AMA-Quality Seal


3. International database for feed transportation

International cooperation is expedient for the transport of feed. AMA-Marketing has been an official member of the International Committee for Road Transport (ICRT) since March 2016. The seven members of the committee strive to standardise the requirements for road transport of bulk feed with the goal of ensuring feed safety.

The minimum cleaning regimesm, current newsletter (newest changes in the database) as well as further information can be found at: www.icrt-idtf.com/en

Current information

New Additional Module Deforestation-free Soy

Pastus+ certified or recognized companies can register for the new Additional module "Deforestation-Free Soy" by submitting the declaration of participation (see download section) for pastus+ Soy Plus.

AMA-Marketing held a webinar on the 16th and 20th of November 2023 for pastus+ participants to provide information about the new Additional Module "Deforestation-Free Soy". You can watch the online recording by following the link below: https://youtu.be/osRBBC8DkLM

Declaration of participation pastus+ Soja PLUS

New website

The ICRT- members - AMA-Marketing, GMP+ International, Qualimat Transport, Ovocom, QS, EFISC-GTP and AIC – worked together to launch a new website.

The new IDTF website still has the familiar elements and functions, but in a fresh and modern look and feel. Due to the new technical elements, the search function and the display of search results are more user friendly. The cleaning regimes for the inland waterways transport are now also available on the website.

To make the transition to the new website as easy as we can, there is also a new user manual available.

Visit the website


The pastus+ system has been reorganised in order to continue to clearly position it as an established scheme for feed quality assurance in Austria.

In the course of the restructuring, a new form of participation was established for recognized companies, the regulation for labelling feed was adapted, the Additional Module AMA-Quality Seal was revised and a new fee model and contract was implemented.

Newsletter pastus+ zertifizierte Lizenznehmer

Additional Module AMA Quality Seal

The Additional Module AMA-Quality Seal has been published in a new version.

By signing the license contract, recognised pastus+ licensees commit to comply with this module. This is a prerequisite for labelling feed with the "pastus+ AMA Gütesiegel tauglich" label and for delivering feed to AMA-Quality-Seal farmers.

Additional Module AMA Quality Seal

New labelling regulations

For ease of orientation when purchasing feed, from now on, not only compound feed but also feed materials must be labelled with "pastus+ AMA-Gütesiegel tauglich". The prerequisite for this label is compliance with the Additional Module AMA-Quality Seal and the negative list it contains.

Detailed information on labelling is given in the new Directives for the use of signs and communication.

Directives for the use of signs & communication

Additional Module AMA-Quality Seal


Checklist Module AMA-Quality Seal


Directives for the use of signs and communication


Contact persons

DI Michael Langanger

DI Michael Langanger

Bereichsleiter Qualitätsmanagement

Bereich: Futtermittel

+43 50 3151 4947

Elisabeth Heil

Elisabeth Heil

Office Qualitätsmanagement

Bereich: Futtermittel


Marlene Jäger, BEd MSc

Marlene Jäger, BEd MSc


Bereich: Futtermittel

+43 50 3151 4494

The information portal for consumers

Do you already know amainfo.at?

AMAINFO.AT is the information website of AMA-Marketing for consumers. Here you will find everything about AMA-Quality seals and animal farming. Everything about plant cultivation and sustainability. And everything about quality and the value of food.

Go to amainfo.at